Sacrifice of the Innocent
Election year always brings about politicians on their soap box ranting about all the issues dear to the hearts of the masses. WRONG. In every media source the platform is the same. "I will insure our state is protecting our children from sex offenders" We will be the toughest state in the union for anyone who seeks to harm a child.
These cries, seemingly noble are but a tool in the toolbox used by skilled craftsmen. The project they work on is not a these are not builders tools. The project these politicians work on is the public.
Politicians, like the successful media, know full well that sex sells. Any form of sex garners the attention of the audience.
Hitler knew full well the ploy which is mimicked in countless cities across America today. Tell the people you want to protect their children and you can gain their votes. Votes equal a paycheck and security...A fat bank account.
These politicians would sell their souls to insure winning the political office they seek to gain. This can be evidenced in the fact that so many of them support unconstitutional laws which totally violate the oath of office which they are required to take in order to be sworn in.
The oath of office for most politicians contains the either exactly or a similar statement such as this; "I do swear to uphold, support and protect both the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the state which I will serve..." Both the Federal and State constitutions, ALL STATE CONSTITUTIONS contain the following...Article I, Section 9; Clause 3 is "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed". And: Article III (Bill of Rights), Section 22 specifically states: "No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted." ...
Politicians, Governors, Lawmakers and Law Enforcement all support ex post facto law if they support the Sex Offender Registry being enforced Retroactively.
Just what does retroactive or ex post facto mean? Ex Post Facto means, in simple terms, the courts cannot add more punishments upon a person's sentence after they have served out all their sentence. For a more exact definition...
The 'words and the intent' of the Ex Post Facto Clause encompass '[e]very law that changes the punishment, and inflicts a greater punishment, than the law annexed to the crime, when committed.' Calder v. Bull, 3 U.S. (1 Dall.) 386, 390 (1798) (opinion of Chase, J.).
An ex post facto law is a law passed after the occurrence of an event or action which retrospectively changes the legal consequences of the event or action
Why all this talk of politicians and legal issues? Because these simple sections of the constitution were created to LIMIT the intrusive POWER of the Government.
How does this effect little innocent children?
Here is a paraphrase of a true life story. There was this family of 5. A father, a mother, two teenagers and an infant. They owned a home in a decent sub division. The father owned his own businesses. Because of his businesses he was known and respected both far and wide in the small town they lived in.
The children were very active in sports and were very involved in the family businesses the children were well known by celebrities, the mayor, police, sheriffs, country club owners.. coaches, teachers..
All of that changed one day. The mother was at work and the rest of the family had just came home from the beach. A great day of swimming and enjoying the local state park.
There was a knock at the door and the son came into the family room and told the father that there were 2 sheriff officers at the door and they wanted to see him. He thought they were there needing his services so he went out...Long story made short.. he had committed a crime involving sex over 30 years ago, served the full extent of the sentence and had been done with all that for 20 years. A new law was passed and he was now required to register as a sex offender. He was arrested, thrown in jail for failure to register as a sex offender and it took him over a year to get the charges dropped. But not before all the television, radio and news papers had a feeding frenzy off of the shocking story. The father had committed NO new crime. He was a very productive, law abiding citizen.. his children and wife were flourishing in the community.
With that one act, all their lives were for ever changed.
I am no writer. You can tell that for sure, but I do have a story to tell.. as do Hundreds of Thousands of children all across this nation as 800,000, eight hundred thousand United States Citizens are now on the Public Shaming Registry.
This country needs good laws which protect society. We do not need a public shaming registry to punish people into homelessness after they serve out their sentences.
If the courts are going to release a person after they serve out their time.. then those people need to be able to get a job. Get a place to live. Have friends. Raise a family.. be others...
If not, why not just shoot them all?
Amanda King
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